Racial matters? Let’s go to extremes!

Can we please explore another extreme today? We are exposed regularly to extremes on race relations in America.  Hell, we are battered by them. Riots over shootings.  Black Lives Matter. Rebels in the NFL. Statue toppling.   “Trigger” words that make some people...

The Art of the Big Lie

Politics at times is the art of the Big Lie. That thought reared its head when I saw articles about a bunch of congress people recently.  They had called a big press conference.  To announce how they were getting behind the idea of the $15 minimum wage for all...

Trying to get the hang of political correctness

Let this serve as a warning to many people in many towns and cities:  You may be next! This week a school board in Portland, Oregon dropped “Lynch” from the names of some of its schools.  Because the word would make some people of color uncomfortable.  It would make...

How do we debate something we don’t know?

A few humble thoughts on the debacle known as Obamacare.  Including those of hope.  Yes, hope. Indeed, the problems of Obamacare are too many to list. But here is one that stands out. Unfortunately. Few of us can understand the damned thing. True!  For proof go to...