Let’s make a spin app

Maybe we can make some money from the spin phenomenon. First, let’s define spin.  It is the BS that spokesguys offer when they defend the indefensible. It is the crown jewel of PR. The lifeblood of politics. We see and hear a good deal of it these days. Today we have...

Where are the Dads?

Riots in Milwaukee.  Following the riots in Baltimore. Following the riots in Ferguson. Following the riots in… fill in the blank. They prompt more finger pointing than a porcupine’s got quills. Blacks blame cops. Cops blame godawful conditions in inner-city...

We live in a banana republic

Welcome to Chiquita-ville. We are more and more living in a banana republic. And for younger readers, I don’t mean the clothing store. Maybe you don’t believe this. I suggest you chat with hombres from Honduras and Guatamala and Ecuador. Tell them how the Democrat...

Media, debates and the economy

A few thoughts on the campaign for the White House. By now, millions are lusting for the debates. My guess is that the first one will break records for viewership. Another guess is that Hillary is already practicing how to handle insults. She probably has aides...