Newspaper Columns

She’s rubbing her nose. Do we do the same?

by | Feb 14, 2020 | Newspaper Columns | 0 comments

As you know, we harbor a lot of cynicism in this country. Especially when it comes to politics and politicians.  In the last few weeks I was three times reminded why.

One reminder was a Donald Trump campaign commercial. It ran footage of both President Clinton and President Obama.

In the clips, each of them railed against illegal immigration. Each promised to spend millions more to tighten our southern border. Each promised to address and fix border problems. Each made clear that sneaking across our borders was wrong and the US would not tolerate it.

Sandwiched between the clips of these two were clips of President Trump. He smirked and appeared to agree with their declarations.

A clever ad for sure. It reminds us that Democrat complaints about the border were much the same as Trump’s. Yet the Democrats attack his views and actions. After they supported the same views when they flew under the Democrat brand.

And today most of those Democrats support sanctuary cities. To protect the very illegals the last two Democrat presidents railed against.

Wait! This is not about the border. It is not about illegal immigrants. It is not really about Democrats. You can probably dig up similar Republican examples and I will salute you.

This is about cynicism.

The next reminder was the State of the Union Address. The Democrat women representatives in white. Led by Speaker Pelosi, they and other Democrats sat on their hands when Republicans rose to applaud various parts of the speech.

To many viewers they looked ridiculous. We all knew these politicians wanted to applaud our 100-year-old heroic Tuskegee airman. And his great grandson. We knew the pols yearned to applaud the beautiful girl whose face lit up when she learned she would be able to go to the school of her choice. The stars in her eyes brought tears to ours.

We knew these representatives felt the very opposite of the indifference they signaled with their thighs-on-hands. We knew the pols, like actors, took their cues from Madam Speaker. Who fidgeted and faked disinterest behind the President.

The third reminder came in one of those misdirection interviews you have seen a hundred times. The interviewer asked a pointed question. The politician dodged the question. He instead posed another question and answered that.

You know the drill.  DID YOU FIRE THE GUN?

“I appreciate your question. But the real question should be whether gun control laws in this state make any sense.”

My point with these three examples is a simple one. Politicians often accuse voters of being cynical. Commentators and columnists often lament the cynicism they witness in the electorate.

There is an obvious source for such cynicism. We see that source on our screens large and small. It is our politicians!

Imagine if you did what they do. Or if your partner or friends did.

This week: “You did the right thing when you spoke up at the school board. Very courageous. Good for you.”

Next week: “You sure looked like a doofus at the school board. I was embarrassed for you.”

Imagine if your boss did what they do. Imagine if company CEOs did. Too many Americans are already cynical about big business. If CEOs acted like politicians the numbers would grow and the cynicism deepen.

But, but, but…how is a politician supposed to deal with such an awkward situation? That is a fair question. He or she opposes the President. And wants voters to see and note that. Okay. Got it.

In his address the President boasts unemployment rates for women and African-Americans and other minorities are at record lows. He says wages are rising for workers at the bottom, the lowest-paid. He says we are enjoying a blue collar boom.

Surely the Democrat politicians like these figures. Surely they want to applaud them. Because they are purely and simply good news for this country and its people.  But how can Democrats applaud them without looking like Trump marionettes? (Instead of Pelosi marionettes.)

Well, they could apply a dose of imagination and common sense:

Congresswoman, you applauded the major successes the President cited for the economy. Does this mean you support his economic policies?

“I support some of his policies. And I love to see Americans getting ahead. But I also believe Democrat policies could make things even better for them and other Americans. I encourage the President to work together with us. Our combined policies would turn the curve more steeply upward for even more people. And would extend this growth period longer than the President’s policies alone will.”

Or something like that.

Now perhaps you think this sounds unrealistic. If so I have to ask if you think it looks better to sit on your hands when a century-old Tuskegee airman hero rises and salutes his country.

The eyes of the nation are upon a beautiful lass. She and her mom radiate hope and dreams for the finest education her new scholarship can procure. Do you think it makes sense to stare at the ceiling as millions applaud? Or check your nails? Do you favor another shuffle of papers as tears trickle down the cheeks of America?

Gestures like these stoke the fires of cynicism over politics and politicians. As do pols who won’t answer a straight question with a straight answer. As do pols who condemn today’s policies when they supported those policies yesterday. The only difference being the political flag under which they appear.

Our cynicism is born of the cheap theatrics of our politicians. Too many of them will follow any script that lands under their noses. Comedian George Burns joked that for actors the key to success is sincerity. “If you can fake that you’ve got it made.”

Our politicians do a lousy job at faking it. And they become the joke. Unfortunately, our cynicism replaces the applause.

From Tom…as in Morgan.

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