Newspaper Columns

How would The Greatest Generation feel?

by | Jun 7, 2019 | Newspaper Columns | 0 comments

Contrasts.  Utter contrasts.

President Trump’s recent trip to Britain and Normandy brought forth many stark contrasts. Contrasts between the way most people behaved during the WWII years and now.

Given the number of years between then and now, there should be differences. Of course. But the nature of some of the contrasts ought to give us pause.

This was not a political trip. Trump brought no armies of officials to negotiate. This was primarily a state-to-state visit. Not politician to politician.  (Although there was a brief visit between outgoing Prime Minister May and the President.) As evidence, we saw the Queen sport her tiara and polish off her best dinner silver. Royal family members donned their silly uniforms and fake medals. This is the routine on state-to-state occasions.

Our president was in the UK to underscore the countries’ historic links. He was in Normandy, obviously, to pay tribute to the brave soldiers who stormed its shores 75 years ago. And to say to the world that we do not forget them or forsake their sacrifice.

If you followed the reporting you saw, of course, a handful of the survivors yet alive, shrunken within their old uniforms. You saw film clips of troops wading ashore. You saw bodies strewn by the hundreds on those bloody beaches.

You read accounts of the war, with its horrors and victories. You read and heard again of the unity of purpose that forged a mighty war machine to smash the German armies.

You may have heard or read again Eisenhower’s prayer for his troops.  And FDR’s prayer for their safety and victory.

If you study those years you will know how most Americans and Brits certainly knew who our enemies were. You will know there was widespread patriotism among the people. Broadcast wide by a patriotic media. You will know our leaders could depend upon extensive support from their people – despite political differences.

You will also know how welcoming the Brits were of the support from their American cousins.

What contrasts we see today!

Although this was not a political trip, much of America and Britain’s Big Media carped and flailed at the President. His political enemies cried out for his imprisonment – as soon as they could find a crime to justify it. They rattled on about his new hairstyle and Melania’s fashions. They imagined slights from some royals.

Big Media focused on the modest demonstrations and Trump blimps in London. As if they were more newsworthy than the purpose of an American president’s visit.

The Mayor of London openly slimed the President. Who slimed back. Parliament’s Leader of the Opposition insulted the President. He joined a public demonstration against the leader of the UK’s best friend. A stupid move. Trump returned the favor by belittling him.

In contrast to the unity of purpose of the war years, today we have tumult. We are vomit-deep in this age of insult. Politicians and celebrities and Big Media take every opportunity to degrade Trump and themselves. One of them claimed he was using the events for political purposes. Claimed the rows of crosses of the American dead were mere props. Some scorned the openly proclaimed prayers. Called them partisan.

Meanwhile, the New York Times groused that no war is ever worth it. In contrast to its stance in the war years. Back when it knew German and Japanese victories would inflict nightmares on our people.

Unity? In utter contrast to the war years, we today have no unity on the most important issues of the day. Such as whether we should or should not have a border.

We cannot agree on whether or not we should protect Israel from annihilation. Or whether or not China is out to severely damage us. Or whether we should quail or do battle against Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons. Or whether or not climate change will destroy us. Or whether it even exists beyond natural change. Proponents try to squelch the mere debate of this.

In this country celebs and Big Media celebrate the banning of the sorts of prayers our leaders once led. They celebrate the flag burnings and insults launched against our founders and the Declaration and Constitution they created.

What label will this era earn?  The Age of Carping? The Era of Insults? The Years of Disunity? The Contrast Years?

How would the folks who lived during the war years react to the contrasts that have come about? From what they wrote and said and did in their times, I doubt they would appreciate or applaud them.

From Tom…as in Morgan.

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