
The Hangover from Coronavirus

The Hangover from Coronavirus

The cry for open borders. Have you heard it much lately? It was all the rage not too long ago. America should be open to everyone! That was the claim. We should not check and document people who stream across our borders, nah. They belong here. Why, border controls...

The Hangover From Coronavirus

The Hangover From Coronavirus

The cry for open borders. Have you heard it much lately? It was all the rage not too long ago. America should be open to everyone! That was the claim. We should not check and document people who stream across our borders, nah. They belong here. Why, border controls...

This is a vicious virus

This is a vicious virus

Are you frightened by this virus? You should be. Consider these scary figures please.Consider up to 45 million Americans infected by this virus. Yes, 45 million!!! With three exclamation points!Consider from 350,000 to 560,000 Americans so sick with it they have to be...

Will you please stuff a sock in it

Will you please stuff a sock in it

A few thoughts on this nasty virus. Thoughts about scavengers. Grandmothers. And stocks.First, a gentle message to our politicians. Unless you have something helpful to say, please shut up!You are vultures that swoop over and peck away at carcasses. You make political...

The message is in the message. Or doctor, spin thyself

The message is in the message. Or doctor, spin thyself

The network I watched took us into the Spin Room after the latest debate. There, a few dozen spin doctors bobbed and weaved and chattered like robots. Each was programed to dodge, elude, evade, change the subject, “reframe” the question and mis-direct.Your candidate...

She’s rubbing her nose. Do we do the same?

She’s rubbing her nose. Do we do the same?

As you know, we harbor a lot of cynicism in this country. Especially when it comes to politics and politicians.  In the last few weeks I was three times reminded why. One reminder was a Donald Trump campaign commercial. It ran footage of both President Clinton...