Newspaper Columns

I am soooo lucky to be swabbing floors

by | Jul 12, 2017 | Newspaper Columns | 0 comments

His name is Kanu.  He was swabbing the floor at a Dunkin’ Donuts.  Just before closing.  I kidded him.  And he hit me with a comment and a look on his face that nearly knocked me off my stool.

I had watched him pluck donuts from racks and wrap them. Prepare sandwiches.  Cash out the customers.

Then I watched him clean the kitchen.  And finally, there he was, bundling the trash. Swabbing the deck.

“They have you doing everything, don’t they.”

He eyed me and leaned on his mop handle.  His eyes grew wide. And he beamed.  “I am so fortunate,” he said.  “I am just soooo fortunate to be doing this work.”

What did he mean by that?

“I have recently received my degree in industrial engineering and management.  Some day I will be managing people.  Some of them will have low-paying jobs. Some will have to work two jobs.  It is good for me to work the way some of them will have to work. It is good for me to experience some of the things they will experience.  Good for me to learn their side of life.”

We talked.  Then we exchanged emails.  He came to the U.S. from Bangladesh nearly seven years ago.  For two years he did nothing but work. Seven days a week.  Doing anything and everything. Not a single day off in two years.

The money he saved was enough to pay for two years of community college.  He earned a computer science degree.  Next came RPI, the major engineering school. After two years more he emerged with his degree in industrial management and engineering.

When I pressed him he admitted it was extremely hard work.  “I have no one here, in this country.  I took a big chance going to RPI with its great expense.”

To get through that tough school he needed total dedication.  And a generous dollop of confidence in himself.

He dove into extra-curricular work.  In subjects too complicated for me to describe or understand.

I don’t know how he found spare time. But he also worked as a mentor with Asian students.  He helped develop a webpage for the local Bangladeshi Hindu community.

“My goal is to get a good position,” he says.  “But it is also to be in a position where I can help others.”

I offer his story to you.  Remember him next time you – knee-jerk reaction – get down on young people.  Remember him if ever you question the value of immigrants to this country.  Remember him if ever you doubt that hard work and perseverance are given too much credit.

Maybe it was appropriate we met on the weekend of the 4th of July.  To me he is the story of America.

He comes here from an impoverished country.  Brimming with enthusiasm and dreams. He works, works, works.  Saves money.  Sacrifices to do so. Uses the money to acquire education and skills. Lends a helping hand to others.  Makes plans to help more.  He brims with confidence. He cherishes ideals we all can admire. To him the glass is more than half-full.  It will soon overflow, of that he is certain.

My guess is that whoever hires him will remember the day they did.  And will remember the years he works for them.  For a person with such optimism and work ethic and drive will be worth more than gold and silver to them.

He swabs floors until a lucky employer finds him.

“I believe in working both hard and smart.  And in trying to make my own luck.”

When we spoke he said he was honored to talk with me.  Kanu, Kanu, it is me who is honored.  I don’t deserve to hold your mop.

He says he is lucky to be swabbing floors at ten at night. It is me who is lucky to have met him and learned his story.  It is America that is lucky he has come to our shores.  He will inspire many people.

From Tom…as in Morgan

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